
Monday, June 1, 2009

Top o' the Pfingstmontag to you!

{Pfingstmontag, Originally uploaded by Lichtwechsel}

According to my calendar (which is French), today is "Pfingst-Montag" (which is German), or Whit-Monday, 'a great festival day of the year with the Germans of the Old World and the New. They celebrate it if they are "city pent," by excursions into the country; if they dwell in the country, they still have their festive out door recreations".'

So basically it is a day off from work, to celebrate being outside.

I'm telling you, those Europeans are so much smarter than us when it comes to time off.....

Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling.
~ Walt Whitman


MrsLittleJeans said...

Today is also Pentecote but I now will remember PfingsMontag. What a splendid idea!

cheatymoon said...

No kidding, when I worked in the UK, I had 4 weeks paid vacation the first year. I didn't know what to do with myself! (Especially since I saw my few years there as vacation in itself...)

Love that photo.

Raina Cox said...


sunriseknight said...

yes, it's true, those Europeans are smarter when it comes to time off.....